A Child for the Reich Book Review

Rebecca Graf
2 min read6 days ago

Living under the rule for the Reich is not easy especially when they have taken over your land and treated you just barely better than animals. Anna has lost her husband and brother-in-law to the Resistance and her father to death. But now the Reich is sending out the Brown Sisters to take any child with the features of the perfect Aryan: blond hair and blue eyes. They will make them part of the perfect race, but success might not be as easy when a determined mother wants her child back.

This was a hard read for me only because I found myself angry and crying so often. Anytime I hear of the horrors inflicted by Hitler and his followers, I want to scream. How can a human act that way to another human? Yet it happened. Children were ripped out of the arms of their mothers to be programmed as one of the perfect race. They were lied to and abused all in the name of warped perfection.

As the story moved more into the determined actions of Anna to get her own daughter back, I couldn’t put the book down as I wanted her to succeed. Each time something got in her way, I nearly broke down as I imagined how I would feel if one of mine had been taken. And when I remembered that it really did happen to many mothers, I wanted the Nazis to get what they deserved.

The book was great at showing a wide perspective for each character. There were Germans…



Rebecca Graf

Writer for ten years, lover of education, and degrees in business, history, and English. Striving to become a Renassiance woman. www.writerrebeccagraf.com