Big Brother’s Catfish Yarn — Short Story

Rebecca Graf
4 min readJul 23, 2024
Public Domain:

Rob heaved the large cooler out of the trunk and placed it on the picnic table. The other children rushed to the long pier that jutted out into the lake. Squeals of delight filled the air. It was the start of the weekly summer excursion for the family.

His little sister ran up to him. “Rob, can we have the tubes now?” The six-year-old gazed up hopefully at her brother.

“Give me a few minutes. We have to get all the stuff out for mom.” He motioned to his two friends who had come along to help. They grabbed the ends of the large tent equipment and hoisted it out.

Cari ran off to tell her cousins that the tubes would be out soon. Shouts from the children filled the air. Rob worked with James and David to get the canopy tent up to cover the picnic tables. A buzz of activity surrounded the site as more cars parked and unloaded their contents. Children and adults flooded the grounds.

It was the annual family gathering on the lake. Each year, the Robinson clan gathered at Lake Eufaula and spent the day eating, playing, and catching up. This year several of the younger ones brought their friends.

Once everything was set up, the activities began. A bonfire was started by the parents. The young mother’s organized the toddlers and babies in safe play sections. Children were on…



Rebecca Graf

Writer for ten years, lover of education, and degrees in business, history, and English. Striving to become a Renassiance woman.