Book Review of The Wishing Game

Rebecca Graf
3 min readApr 2, 2024

What if you were encouraged to wish? Maybe your wishes might not come true today but maybe twenty years from now. One author promotes wishing through his children’s books that have made him richer than anyone can imagine. After a personal issue that stopped him writing, he decides to write the last book of his series, but it comes with a catch. It will only be given to a winner of a series games that he will create just for the contestants. They can win the only copy of the final book and do with it what they will. If they lose, it goes to the publisher. Four lifelong fans get a change to make all their wishes come true. But they will have to face several challenges that prompt them to grow and face their fears.

Note: This book was obtained through a third party with no expectation of a positive review. There are affiliate links within the review that will result in monetary payout to the writer if clicked on and purchases are made.

This book turned out very different than what I had been expecting. It is not a children’s book. It is not even a young adult book. It is a book for adults who need to remember their childhood dreams. Children wish for things all the time. Sometimes they outgrow their wishes. Others stay buried deep within their hearts and are revisited during the dark times. Adults might wish, but the believe in wishes in non-existent. The hope has…



Rebecca Graf

Writer for ten years, lover of education, and degrees in business, history, and English. Striving to become a Renassiance woman.