Man of Shadow and Mist Book Review

Rebecca Graf
2 min readJun 15, 2024

Rumors can be powerful enough to ruin lives. Sir Morgan desires only to avoid others so he doesn’t have to hear about the vampire that he is and the curse that runs in his family. Rosa doesn't believe in such nonsense and is determined to make others see the light of truth. In the process, they both find themselves in situations that will cause the tongues to flap and possible lives to be lost.

Note: This book was provided by a third party with no expectation of a positive review. An affiliate link is noted here in this review that will result in monetary compensation to the review of clicked on and purchases are made.

I have to admit that the title is what got my attention. It is mysterious enough to draw me in. Then I wondered if the vampire stories were true. Had to read it!

This story turned out to be very good. The question of the vampire curse was one that kept me The author did an excellent job in keeping the reading guessing. One moment I thought it was true, then I wasn’t so sure. It could have gone either way. Such suspense!

A big part of the story is actually not Sir Morgan and Rosa though it involves them. It is about all those around them. Community. Gossip. Truth. Mob mentality. It’s an exploration of the human soul and how one can go down a very dark path easily when they don’t listen to their…



Rebecca Graf

Writer for ten years, lover of education, and degrees in business, history, and English. Striving to become a Renassiance woman.