Review of From Dust to Stardust

Rebecca Graf
2 min readOct 31, 2023

Note: This book was obtained through a third-party with no expectation of a positive review. There are affiliate links within the review that will result in monetary compensation if clicked on and purchases are made.

The years of silent films is nearly forgotten. Few of the stars are known today as well as the stories behind the scenes. Based on the story of Colleen Moore, Kathleen Rooney introduces the reader to Doreen O’Dare who rises up from poverty to being a star in the new world of movies. She takes her love of fairies and starts a collection that culminates in creating a fairy castle that can still be seen today in Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry.

While I knew of a few silent film stars, I really never studied that era much. When I began reading the story, I found myself looking up information and trying to find more about the era and the industry. There was so much I didn’t know and will be discovering all thanks to this book.

Doreen is a determined woman who would not let anyone, including family, hold her back from her dream of being an actress. Through her eyes, we see the world of silent films and how they were made. While the story is about Doreen and her life, I found myself being educated into a strange world that has been lost in history.



Rebecca Graf

Writer for ten years, lover of education, and degrees in business, history, and English. Striving to become a Renassiance woman.