The Compound — A Short Story

Rebecca Graf
9 min readApr 5, 2024

Author’s Note: I recently had a friend read this and gave me wonderful feedback. In fact, it will lead to a collection of stories surrounding the mysterious compound. I hope you enjoy.

Dana grasped Ollie’s hand so tight he gasped. They had arrived along with several other people and now stood outside the large wooden doors with bated breath. A posted notice told them to wait until the doors opened to allow them in. There was only a very small cleared area for them to congregate, the rest thick woods with brush filling the empty spaces between trees. Only a small path led from the parking lot to the large building they stood before.

The building was all concrete with a wooden door breaking up the grey wall. There were no windows in sight. What they were about to find, only a few of them knew. Those who had been here before stood apart and off to the side as they congregated. The haggard looks on their faces, the dark shadows under their eyes, and their bedraggled appearance said they had not slept for days, possibly not for weeks. The new arrivals’ fear increased. What did they have before them?

All Dana knew was that she was here for her brother, Jacob. He had a debt that had to be paid, but she refused to let him pay it. He was too young and too foolish. She never denied that mistakes had been made. Neither had he. But she loved him too much…



Rebecca Graf

Writer for ten years, lover of education, and degrees in business, history, and English. Striving to become a Renassiance woman.