Where Are My Peeps?

Rebecca Graf
4 min readMay 18, 2022

I recently began accessing my life. It very well could be a mid-life evaluation. In fact, I’ll just go ahead and admit it. I just entered my fifties, my last child has flown the coop, and I’m a grandmother. Not ashamed of any of this, especially of re-evaluating my life.

This life review got me thinking about my friends and who I hang out with. There aren’t crowds of them, for which I’m glad. Too many friends can lead to poor quality friends. I would rather have a few friends who are worth their weight in gold. But what really got me was how few of my friends are like me. We mostly share a very limited number of items in common. They don’t get all of me.

Who Are the Peeps?

When I talk about my peeps, I’m talking about other people like me. I guess I can start with summarizing myself.

  • Avid reader
  • Love to write and crochet.
  • Enjoys movies, history, and learning

Do you know how few around me actually read? If they do, their tastes are so different or they read so slow that it is hard for me to discuss books with them. My peeps in this area would want to discuss what we are both reading, no matter what genre or who wrote it. My peeps don’t run from books.



Rebecca Graf

Writer for ten years, lover of education, and degrees in business, history, and English. Striving to become a Renassiance woman. www.writerrebeccagraf.com