Why Don’t Readers Review Books

Rebecca Graf
3 min readApr 14, 2024

Reviewers are vital for any author. Only through reviews do other readers hear about a book. Even if that review is verbal, the opinion of readers gives weight to whether or not the other person will read the book. If someone tells me how much they enjoyed a book, I’ll put that book down on my to read list. I have found many wonderful new authors that way.

But so many don’t share their thoughts on the books they are reading. They read a book and move on to another without telling others about their opinions. Their feedback is lost.


I can’t get a solid answer on this seemingly simple question. I wouldn’t think it would be that hard, but the answers were so varied and even hesitant at times. Let’s review some of the answers I got.

Time — Some readers say they don’t have time. That could be. Time is a valuable commodity for everyone. Work. Family. Life in general. It all can pile up against us. Yet those readers who say they don’t have to leave a review have time to read. They will read anywhere they are. They will read waiting in line at the coffee shop and in the bathroom. So time is only a small excuse. They will make the time to read.

One person stated that she is not a writer. You don’t have to be a writer to share your thoughts on a book. Write the way you talk. People aren’t…



Rebecca Graf

Writer for ten years, lover of education, and degrees in business, history, and English. Striving to become a Renassiance woman. www.writerrebeccagraf.com